Quote Originally Posted by Spaz View Post
The piping was for a stock k20 RSX with PRB manifold. With my K24 and RBC none of the piping fit correctly. So I had to cut, extend, reangle, etc and basically make a new setup. So I bought a 2' coupler and a universal piping kit.

As far as the solenoid no I don't know the benefits of a 4 port. Actually truthfully I didn't know there was a 4 port. I'm only familiar with the 3 port.
Gotcha, I didn't realize that you had a k24. The 3 port and 4 port, both do the same thing, which is add boost above your wastegate spring. A 3 port solenoid can usually do a bit more than 2x the actual spring pressure. So if you have a 7 psi spring, you can probably get 20 psi or so, maybe more, maybe less, out of the 3 port. A 4 port solenoid can go to like 10x spring pressure. This is beneficial because you can use the smaller wastegate spring - 3 psi, and still be able to make 30 psi (if you wanted to). This is nice so you can run 3 psi in 1st gear for traction and still get the boost you want out of the higher gears, say 15 psi or so in third and 4th on a stock motor. The 3 port would not be able to make 15 psi on a 3 psi spring. It's also not hard to install: