Quote Originally Posted by Si Speed 317 View Post
Great car, nice to see you made it here man. Loving the brake setup, I'll be doing the upgrade with pads from the Hawk HPS to HP+ when these pads are done. But, I'm not baller enough for the brembo brakes. Great shots and setup, do you do photography?
Brakes work great, stop on a dime. Cons squeak so loud its embarrassing and also the brake dust that comes off is insane. This is cause because of the combination but mostly because of the pad. Needless to say I'm glad that I bought another car to daily.

I took a good amount of photography classes when I was in college, I was about 8 credits shy of a photography minor. I never took the digital or photoshop classes. I learned how to do everything with manual camera's and how to develop black & white film along with color film. I learned much more than just these basics but you get the idea. I recently bought myself a Nikon D3100 and a Canon HD1080p camcorder. Still in the learning stages of digital photography. I can't wait till I actually know how to use this monster. Practice is the best way.

Quote Originally Posted by Spoolin_VTEC View Post
Gotchya. Does boost hold all the way to redline with this setup? Seems like this turbo pulls like its an external setup - which says a lot.
Well the way we have it setup now it does hold boost all the way through. But with my original crap tune it didn't. With the crap tune would peak at 14.5 psi and then at the end it would be at 9.7 psi. You gotta find the right tuner for this type of a turbo, not just anyone who tunes boosted cars can handle this task.

Quote Originally Posted by Spaz View Post
that interior shot looks awesome. I love your gauge setup by the shifter.
Thanks I had someone make it but I had the idea in my head. In person it almost looks factory.