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Thread: Aem wideband and kpro v2

  1. #1
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    Aem wideband and kpro v2

    Hi guys,

    My friend has ep3 with kpro v2 (which doesn't have feature of analog input).

    We have aem wideband sensor and gauge fitted on dashbord, but its not wired to ecu or kpro. The problem is during mapping process to see on which rpm is which afr, and we are forced to record with our mobile phone the pull, then to go back and analyze bla bla.

    There is any way we can improve this? Somehow to connect the sensor to the laptop and the to have it logged on car? I know that "chrome" for mapping has ability to add wideband input using usb (probably serial to usb), but not sure is this possible with kpro.

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  4. #2 Founder

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    Quote Originally Posted by mladjan.antic View Post
    Hi guys,

    My friend has ep3 with kpro v2 (which doesn't have feature of analog input).

    We have aem wideband sensor and gauge fitted on dashbord, but its not wired to ecu or kpro. The problem is during mapping process to see on which rpm is which afr, and we are forced to record with our mobile phone the pull, then to go back and analyze bla bla.

    There is any way we can improve this? Somehow to connect the sensor to the laptop and the to have it logged on car? I know that "chrome" for mapping has ability to add wideband input using usb (probably serial to usb), but not sure is this possible with kpro.
    I commend your creative ways! The most common way to do this, as far as I know, is to connect the readout through a pin to the ECU. Although I am not prepared to answer this directly for an EP3 setup, [MENTION=40]monjarassi[/MENTION] [MENTION=56]PetefromtheStreets[/MENTION] and [MENTION=158]E-Tunez[/MENTION] should be able to.

    I will follow up with their answers. Thanks for posting, and welcome to the forum!

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  5. #3
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    No problem,

    There is no other way I am aware of amgalmate the two pieces of information, except manually, on an older Kpro

    However in the past to get around this, we use the AEM serial cable and log the WB output with AEM logger, and then do the same with Hondata. Then we export both to .csv and overlay them in excel.

    It work swell if your off throttle coasting with injectors off just before starting the WOT run, so you can line up the two pieces of information at the point the AFR jumps down from 20+ to 13:1 etc.

    Hope that helps,


  6. #4
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    Aem wideband and kpro v2

    Thx Steve, I want to hear experience from people like you who done a lot of cars in the past. We are learning whole process, bought kpro 2 because it was good price, and never understood difference before. Now when we understand what we are missing, its hard to change it for newer because its not like flashpro, plug and play, its soldered to the ecu and its risky to play with soldering again.

    If somebody knows some interesting tricks, let me know

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by mladjan.antic View Post
    Thx Steve, I want to hear experience from people like you who done a lot of cars in the past. We are learning whole process, bought kpro 2 because it was good price, and never understood difference before. Now when we understand what we are missing, its hard to change it for newer because its not like flashpro, plug and play, its soldered to the ecu and its risky to play with soldering again.

    If somebody knows some interesting tricks, let me know
    I don't know any, but please share if you find any tricks! [MENTION=56]PetefromtheStreets[/MENTION] where you at?!

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  8. #6
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    Kpro is just a board that's inserted into your ecu. Once your ecu has been modified for Kpro it's easy to upgrade to a newer version. You can check out how to upgrade to version 4 Kpro on It's like 300 bucks to upgrade and totally worth it.
    Tire slayer
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