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View Full Version : The Venting Thread (no pun intended)

Si Speed 317
01-25-2014, 11:46 AM
Vent time!

Vent about anything: your girl, your job, your mother in-law, your sister's dog's friend's DJ, your pet rock named Stone - anything!
PetefromtheStreets monjarassi Spaz vdubkilla civicgrl89 bulliedog ksboi @southbayfuelinjectors @IMT

01-25-2014, 11:55 AM
My name Pete and I dislike my neighbor.

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

01-25-2014, 11:57 AM
My name Pete and I dislike my neighbor.

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

We all have that neighbor .I have a lazy, drunk neighbor who thinks he is the mayor lol fuck him haha

01-25-2014, 04:27 PM
Did my cousins rear brakes today. Worst ever. Rotors were so used they created excessive ridges to where the parking brakes (drum style) wouldn't clear. Even at full retraction. Had to beat the FUCK out of the rotors to get them off. Then my garage lights on a timer at for 4.5min. So I constantly had to stop what I was doing to turn the light back on... Smh.

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

01-25-2014, 04:34 PM
Did a valve lash on a rsx types today, busted my knuckle on the power steering hose/ bracket, came home and fixed a minor leak on my colorado that i DD, and will now move on to changing the shocks on my brothers xterra.


01-25-2014, 04:50 PM
Did a valve lash on a rsx types today, busted my knuckle on the power steering hose/ bracket, came home and fixed a minor leak on my colorado that i DD, and will now move on to changing the shocks on my brothers xterra.


Dammit Jim! That sucks. It's 20* here in MD. Snow all over the ground and getting all over the garage floor. My pants were soaking wet.

@daily_drivn tell em why you mad son!

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

01-25-2014, 10:37 PM
this is a good idea for a thread

01-25-2014, 10:37 PM
Being on a diet sucks balls! I realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yy want chinese food. Not any chinese food, the extremely unhealthy kind with MSG and everything!!!

01-25-2014, 10:40 PM
Oh and I HATE BEING INTO CARS. I constantly think about how much money i would have if i was into a different hobby. Ive spent thousands of dollars into a car that keeps getting shit because it's FWD and i havent drove it for a year!

ok im done, that felt good. Now im off to work on the car lol

01-25-2014, 10:51 PM
Oh and I HATE BEING INTO CARS. I constantly think about how much money i would have if i was into a different hobby. Ive spent thousands of dollars into a car that keeps getting shit because it's FWD and i havent drove it for a year!

ok im done, that felt good. Now im off to work on the car lol

so what you gonna dew to it?

01-25-2014, 10:56 PM
so what you gonna dew to it?

stare at it and hope it builds itself

01-25-2014, 10:57 PM
stare at it and hope it builds itself

thats very possible

01-25-2014, 11:00 PM
thats very possible

Happens all the time. Just throw money at shit and itll fix itself :)

Now if only that money tree I have in the backyard grew i could have some to throw :(

01-28-2014, 12:04 PM
Oh and I HATE BEING INTO CARS. I constantly think about how much money i would have if i was into a different hobby. Ive spent thousands of dollars into a car that keeps getting shit because it's FWD and i havent drove it for a year!

ok im done, that felt good. Now im off to work on the car lol

We all have those moments. I dropped an obnoxious amount of money on the Boosted Life event alone this past summer, and it was a blast regardless of the turnout. Even worse than that, I've spent thousands and thousands on the BoostedK20 community. I look back on my [accountant-slapping negative] return on investment and smile. My ROI for this community is those of you that post every day, every week, every month, and every year. When recognized by both event contestants and spectators alike, those that appreciate what you've done - makes it all worth it.

Cheers :cheers:

01-28-2014, 12:29 PM
You're a good man Dan

I don't care what we say about you ;)

01-28-2014, 12:39 PM
Lmao Spaz you weren't supposed to tell him that. Shhhhhh.

And ryaano18 I feel you man I just blew a lot of money on parts only to need more parts. Lol
BoostedK20 the boosted life event was a good time. Just a cruddy weekend that it happened on because of 2 other big events that same day.

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

Si Speed 317
01-28-2014, 09:27 PM
Boosted Life was AWESOME! 1000's of cars wouldn't have meant a better time. Can't wait for this year!

01-29-2014, 12:53 AM
Fuck my transmission... Well really is fuck my obx diff that caused my trans to be in this predicament.

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

Si Speed 317
01-29-2014, 01:33 AM
Fuck my transmission... Well really is fuck my obx diff that caused my trans to be in this predicament.

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

Please take a clear pic of the obx and mfactory diffs next to each other!!! Would be great.

And don't stress man. You'll get it tm or the day after. If not, just give up in disgust.

01-29-2014, 09:47 AM
Please take a clear pic of the obx and mfactory diffs next to each other!!! Would be great.

And don't stress man. You'll get it tm or the day after. If not, just give up in disgust.

Definitely planned on making a cheap vs real

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

01-29-2014, 09:54 AM
Definitely planned on making a cheap vs real

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1
well cheap vs m factory need a quaife in there now! well idk how the mfactory stacks up to the quaife or wavetrac

01-29-2014, 10:04 AM
well cheap vs m factory need a quaife in there now! well idk how the mfactory stacks up to the quaife or wavetrac

I bet I could email Mfactory and get a response. No such luck with the obx. That's real enough for me. And if this diff ever gives me a problem then I'll know which one to get. Lol

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

01-29-2014, 10:59 AM
I bet I could email Mfactory and get a response. No such luck with the obx. That's real enough for me. And if this diff ever gives me a problem then I'll know which one to get. Lol

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

hopefully no trouble comes from this one man, i have a quaife but i bought it brand new for the price of the mfactory so i couldn't pass that up

01-29-2014, 11:01 AM
hopefully no trouble comes from this one man, i have a quaife but i bought it brand new for the price of the mfactory so i couldn't pass that up

Deff can't pass up that deal man! I quotidian trade a testicle for it and a 3/4 Ppg dog set. Lol

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

01-29-2014, 12:35 PM
well cheap vs m factory need a quaife in there now! well idk how the mfactory stacks up to the quaife or wavetrac

I bet I could email Mfactory and get a response. No such luck with the obx. That's real enough for me. And if this diff ever gives me a problem then I'll know which one to get. Lol

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1

MFactory stacks up very well. And they have a lifetime warranty on their parts.

Si Speed 317
02-05-2014, 12:46 PM
You know, it's crazy how time flies and life passes. Its astonishing looking back at years of progress (or attempted progress) and seeing how time and perspective changed you. My example is college grades. I will post grades from my college career from 2007-13.
B+ B C A, A C B+ B A, C A B B B+, B+ A A C B A [graduate and now to a different university] D A D C+ C, C F B F, A A B+ A A, B+ A A A A, A A A A, A A A A A.
You can see the two dips in my college career. One is from a change of 25-30 people in a class to 250-300. The other is a motorcycle accident. And I finished off like a champ. It's crazy how things go into perspective.

02-06-2014, 06:43 PM
You know, it's crazy how time flies and life passes. Its astonishing looking back at years of progress (or attempted progress) and seeing how time and perspective changed you. My example is college grades. I will post grades from my college career from 2007-13.
B+ B C A, A C B+ B A, C A B B B+, B+ A A C B A [graduate and now to a different university] D A D C+ C, C F B F, A A B+ A A, B+ A A A A, A A A A, A A A A A.
You can see the two dips in my college career. One is from a change of 25-30 people in a class to 250-300. The other is a motorcycle accident. And I finished off like a champ. It's crazy how things go into perspective.

Oh I hear that man. I have to tip my hat off to you for sticking in there.

s4 IG-petefromthestreets
Cage plus radio member #1